David Komatz comes from many years of entrepreneurship. Beginning his career with commercial real estate brokerage and development and then moving on to owning and managing several operating companies that spanned from manufacturing (Ceara Products, sold to Dexter-the oldest traded NYSE company), to fabrication (Curtis Fluid Power -sold to an employee) to Communications Product & Services (Sold to Genuine Parts, a US fortune 200 company). While remaining on as an employee of Genuine Parts after the sale I quickly realized the excitement of running a small company highly overshadowed the comfort of risk-free employment. When the opportunity came to join forces with YG Acoustics and purchase the company with a partner and I took over as CEO in 2017. After several years at the helm, the company hired Dr. Matthew Webster to be the head the product development aspect of the company. It was shortly realized that Dr. Webster offered much more to the company and was a perfect fit as an industry insider to lead the next level of the company’s growth. At the end of 2022, I stepped down from operations and function strictly as a co-owner of the company. Not wanting to retire any time soon, I endeavored to find my next challenge and ran across Enduing Images through a close friend. I am very excited at the opportunity to work with the team of Enduring Images to continue the growth and success of the company.

Patrick Hammond graduated from the Art Institute of Colorado with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and joined the Enduring Images team in the summer of 2011. His interest in all aspects of operations has resulted in his active involvement in graphics, production, tech support and product development. He is an experienced fly fisherman and enjoys reading in his down time. “The best part of my job is being able to learn something new every day.”
Gloria Shanstrom is delighted to join the Enduring Images team as their Office Coordinator. She has been involved in the Denver theatre scene since 1987. She was House Manager at the Temple Buell Theatre, co-produced the Denver Drama Critics Circle Awards, and was the marketing assistant at the Denver Center Attraction. In 2004, she started Full Court Press, a company specifically designed to assist small non-profit arts organizations get information out to the media. She was the General Manager of the Colorado Theatre Guild until her retirement in 2017.

Samantha “Sammy” Laycock graduated from Red Rocks Community College in 2018 with an Associate’s of Arts degree looking for somewhere to pursue my interests into a meaningful career. I started working for Enduring Images in the Dinnerware/Tile Design department in May of 2020 and since then have moved on to take over the Cameo Department. I love the outdoors, camping, hiking, and my biggest passion in life is live music. I try to fit in as many concerts as I can into one year where you can find me at one of Colorado’s biggest blessings, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, most of the summer.

With a love for animals, art and music, Katie made a career change from working with animals to another passion of hers; graphic design. Katie enjoys walking and hanging out with her two dogs, going to concerts and playing video games.
14818 West 6th Avenue #10-A
Golden, CO 80401